The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple recipe for walnut snowballs. Quickly and easily made with a little ingredients from the stock.

Walnut Schneebälle

[Contains advertising and advent raffle] The best part of the run-up to Christmas and the Christmas days themselves are delicious for me, homemade cookies, a bulging fridge with all the desires of the gourmet, heart, and my favorite Christmas songs. This I hear in the beautiful, reflective season of Advent up and down and down and up.

• Directly to the recipe • recipe •print

Oh, this is so beautiful, because you make me always when you Sing something sentimental. Usually a few tears shoot me in the eye ? . Almost all of my favorite Christmas songs have fun do something with the snow. Maybe it's because Christmas with snow, or my great desire for a white Christmas each year, my heart beat faster.

I love maiden, for example, the Christmas songs, "snow, white skirt", "Softly falls the snow", but also some of the American Christmas songs have to do with snow such as: "Winter Wonderland", "Let it Snow" or "White Christmas".

Walnuss Schneebälle -

Therefore, there is a suitable way to the snow-Christmas songs is my recipe for delicious walnut snow balls, You can quickly and easily, without many ingredients, and completely out of the stock prepare. You have to have the dough not even cool, which saves You a lot of time.

Walnuss Schneebälle -

Christmas music, the whole Christmas season until the Christmas is in the air so for me and therefore I am all the more, that I can raffle with the support of ALDI SÜD, a wireless MULTIROOM speakers in the value of 99.99 euros among my readers. You should be the pre-Christmas happiness to so hold, You'll have a lot of enjoyment from it. If not, You can him also as of Thursday, the 7. December 2017, to purchase at ALDI SÜD, even commercially, if You want to.

The conditions of participation in the advent draw You will find below the recipe described in Detail.

Walnuss Schneebälle -


  • Favorite music device easily from your Smartphone or Tablet (iOS or Android) wirelessly through the speakers
  • Easy setup and control of the system with the Google Home App. A step-by-step guide allows You to quickly Start the music-Streaming
  • Music Streaming over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
  • Multiroom-capable can be used (the prerequisite for this additional Chromecast-certified speakers, and the use of the corresponding free downloadable App)are
  • Supports high-resolution audio formats: WMA, FLAC, WAV, LPC
  • Tight and deep bass reproduction
  • AUX IN for connecting external audio devices (e.g. MP3 Player or Smartphone)
  • Accurate playback of the music through 2 x 3" full range speaker
  • Music performance 2 x 18 watts RMS
  • Dimensions approx 30 x 9.4 x 16.1 cm
  • 3 Years Warranty

Walnuss Schneebälle

In the Wi-Fi MULTIROOM speakers, just a whole lot of technical Details not stuck, by the way, but he is also optically very good, for example on the refrigerator. With cool music and a great Sound, the preparations for Christmas to go in the kitchen much easier. It is said also, "with music everything goes ? better".

Walnuss Schneebälle -

Food and music have a great in Common. For both, there are different tastes. Also the food preferences sometimes differ widely. The a likes this the other likes that. But in the end, the favorite food ? all in the fridge and stowed just in the Christmas season, in a lot of the food is turning, the refrigerator is a popular and highly frequented point of contact . Incidentally, this is really nice shown in the Christmas TV ad from ALDI SÜD.

Walnuss Schneebälle -



? Write me under this post a commentwhat Your favorite Christmas song is, and if the lot of You, on the Wi-Fi Multiroom speakers from ALDI SÜD, up and down to run is.

? You're also a subscriber to my Facebook page or my Instagram channel or E-Mail Newsletter subscriber of my blog.

? The competition starts with the publication of this post and ends on Tuesday, 5. December 2017, 23: 59. The lot decides.

? The draw is made on 6. December 2017, and the winner will be from me directly by E-Mail, as well as in this Blog post published.

? Should not notify the winner within 2 days of my contact with me, will forfeit the prize and it will draw a new winner.

? You're over 18 or have written permission of Your parents.

? Shipping only in Germany and Austria (DHL package).

? No cash, no claims in case of loss. Legal recourse is excluded.

? The competition is of operated and is not associated with Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media channels.

? The competition was kindly supported by ALDI SÜD.


I wish You the best of luck and press You fingers crossed!

Walnut Schneebälle





The lot has decided the lucky winner is: ✨Daniela Oestermann✨.

Congratulations, dear Daniela, You won the Wi-Fi Multiroom speaker of ALDI SÜD, and I will contact You by E-Mail.

Thank you to everyone for Participating and don't be sad if you not won ?have.


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