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Kräuter-Risotto aus dem Ofen -

The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple, successful safe recipe for herb Risotto out of the oven. The easy 45-minutes kitchen....

Weißer Spargel, Schinken und Ei - Die Grundzutaten für einen leckeren Salat -

This simple recipe for asparagus salad with ham and Egg with a step-by-step guide in pictures. A 30 Min. Low Carb salad for many occasions....

Allgäuer Kartoffelsuppe mit Möhren, Lauch und Emmentaler -

The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple recipe for Allgäuer potato soup with carrots, leek and Emmental cheese. A healthy, hearty soup....

Brownies mit Zimt-Kakao-Frosting -

The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple recipe for Brownies with cinnamon-cocoa Frosting. A joy to any coffee table-and not just for Christmas....