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Die Pilze sind eine tolle Zutat -

This simple recipe for mushroom soup with Curry. The warming mushroom soup tastes of the whole family and is quickly conjured on the table....

Ofen-Risotto mit Steinpilzen und Hähnchenbrustfilet -

The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple recipe for oven risotto with chicken breast fillet with a step-by-step guide in pictures....

KitKat Ruby - die rosa Schokolade -

The easy recipe for raspberry Dessert tart with KitKat Ruby. The ideal dessert for a big raspberry Fans. The dream-Dessert in pink is an eye-catcher!...

Hähnchengeschnetzeltes mit Curry-Sahne-Soße -

The easy recipe for chicken ragout with Curry-cream-sauce tastes of the whole family and is a quick Celebration dinner with rice or noodles....