The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. This simple recipe for a festive Chestnut Dessert. What special magic is quite easy for Your guests.

Festive Chestnuts Dessert

[Contains advertising and advent raffle] recently, I reveled in memories of the nursery school age of my son. I thought about the time when he walked with me in the cold Season, mostly with slush pants and a much too large hat, in the Park, to go chestnut hunting. It was so nice to watch as he picked up an angel tree for the chestnut, to reach out to me. Felt we have hauled tons of the way home.

• Directly to the recipe • recipe •print

Today, we are, unfortunately, not a chestnut more gathering, "this is totally uncool, mom."... what should I answer!? Too bad, because I loved it on wet and cold days, hot tea, polishing together with him the shells and to make sweet chestnut male.

Festliches Maronen Dessert -

But there were also other times. It was only when I became a mother (how many times have I probably already have said!?) I have observed the chestnut trees. Chestnut advanced in a new light, and I've also discovered the taste for me. I don't love it, therefore, only to collect but also to eat, mainly the Chestnut variety and most of all at the Christmas market from the "Chestnut man" ? .

Festliches Maronen Dessert -

For me, Chestnuts fit at all like a fist in the eye in the advent and Christmas season. That is why I have a Dessert to me immediately for a Chestnut as a contribution to this year's "BLOGGER Christmas menu" of ALDI SÜD decided. A festive Chestnut Dessert, so to speak, that is to say Chestnuts time not as a filling in of the Christmas, in whole or as a tasty appetizer soup. No, Chestnuts are a culmination of more than ? .

Festliches Maronen Dessert -

The Chestnut Dessert is not complicated at all, which is true for me anyway program, very creamy, slightly nutty and not too sweet. I like it also, if you have something to bite to, so I enriched the Chestnuts for the Dessert with chopped almonds. As iTüpfelchen with Rum refined, because Rum blends wonderfully with Chestnuts. Normally, I'm not so for alcohol in the food, but the Chestnut Dessert, it fits wonderfully. You can replace the Rum by orange juice, if You like. The Chestnuts on a different Note, has Dessert, but delicious it is anyway.

Festliches Maronen Dessert -

In our home it is so this year 1. Christmas day, after the delicious Christmas goose, my new Chestnut Dessert. If You still have other suggestions for Your Christmas menu are looking for, then take a look at my Blogger-colleagues from Small, culinary, Tasty, fun, Sandra's cooking blog or Foodistas over.


And what are You having for Christmas?

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Festive Chestnuts Dessert





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Festliches Maronen Dessert -

Festive Chestnuts Dessert

Recipe print
TOTAL TIME30 minutes
SERVINGS of6 persons




    • 400 g Chestnuts, cooked and vacuum Packed - Alternatively, 500g fresh
    • 375 ml whole milk
    • 125 g cream
    • 125 g sugar
    • 1/2 Packet Of Vanilla Sugar
    • 1-2 glass with 2 cl Rum - Alternatively, orange juice
    • 25 g almonds, chopped


    • Depending on your preference, chopped almonds, Snack-Chestnuts, cream Tuff, cocoa powder


    • First You put a pot with the milk, the sugar and the vanillin sugar and give the pre-cooked Chestnuts into it. Bring to a boil and for 10 minutes without the lid slightly to a simmer let.
      NOTE, if You have fresh Chestnuts to use: preheat The oven to 200 degrees top/bottom heat preheat. The Chestnuts crosswise and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper. On the middle shelf in the oven and about 10 minutes of roasting. If the shells take to the outside, turn off the oven, leave to cool a little, and the Chestnuts peel. For 30 minutes in the pot with milk, sugar and vanillin sugar to simmer.
      Festive Chestnuts Dessert
    • After cooking pürierst You the Chestnuts with the milk, stir in the Rum (or orange juice) and the chopped almonds and the chestnut puree about 30 minutes in the fridge to cool. If You like the Chestnut Dessert from the hot pot into a bowl.
      TIP: In the Winter I let the chestnut purée in a simple pot and it cold outside be.
      Festive Chestnuts Dessert
    • After the cooling time You can beat Your cream until stiff and lift them well the chestnut puree.
      Festive Chestnuts Dessert
    • After that, You hand out the chestnut puree to six glasses and crown each Dessert to taste with chopped almonds, Snack-Chestnuts, cream tuff, or cocoa.
      Festive Chestnuts Dessert


    Have You tried the recipe once? What do You think of it? I am always happy to praise, friendly criticism, or Your tips and experiences. Let us via the below comments function in exchange to stay. That would make me very happy.
    Festive Chestnuts Dessert
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