Learn how to make pizza and how to make dough for homemade pizza from scratch. Recipe step by step. It is not as difficult as you think.

How to make homemade pizza - Pizza dough

All the information you need to know to learn how to make pizza and perfect pizza dough from scratch Warning: it's not as difficult as you think .

The pizza is one of those foods that nobody rejects ever. Even on a diet, we look for healthy options that resemble it. We can not escape from it, we love it.

Throughout our lives, at least once we will try to learn how to make pizza, and we will surely prepare one at home with friends or family. And whether it's good or not, we'll enjoy it and be happy.

You may have a notion of how to make pizza. Maybe you've seen someone prepare it or maybe you have no idea but you want to learn.

No matter, here I'll explain step by step how to make pizza dough , and Of course how to make pizza , with its tomato sauce and recommendations of the best ingredients for pizza.

A couple of tips before you start:

No Pay attention to anyone who tells you to use a wooden spoon to mix the pizza dough, use your hands and the rolling pin when you stretch it.

Once you have the dough, you can make pizza with the ingredients that you crave I give you a basic recipe, you can start from that and use your creativity and availability to achieve incredible flavors.

  • Easy recipes
how to make pizza

- How to make pizza: remember to grease the mold well, including the edges -

How to make pizza dough


  • 400 grams of all-purpose wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh yeast (baker's yeast)
  • 200 ml of water
  • 200 ml of water li>
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Preparation of the dough: h3>

In a large plastic container mix the yeast and water. Add the 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, stir a little with your fingers and begin to incorporate the wheat flour little by little. Add also the pinch of salt and sugar.

Use only one hand to mix. At first it will stick unbearably on your fingers, keep mixing and adding the flour little by little.

By this time the mixture will start to be less sticky. You must continue to knead it, with both hands now, until it sticks to your fingers. This takes several minutes. If you still stick too much, put more flour.

When it almost does not stick, remove it from the container and put it on a flat surface, clean and with a little flour. Knead hard for about 10 minutes. Stretch and rejoin it repeatedly, the idea is that the dough becomes elastic. If you still stick a bit on your fingers, add more flour, but always in small portions. Keep kneading until it looks compact and even.

After this place the pizza dough back into the plastic container and cover with a clean, dark cloth. Let stand for 1 hour. With this you will allow the incorporated yeast to start acting, increasing its size.

After this time unclogs the container, you will surely find that the dough has grown.If it comes out a little on the sides, use a knife to remove the excess.

Once put and well distributed the dough in the mold, let stand 5 minutes more. You can take this time to prepare the ingredients of the pizza and preheat the oven.

So far you have the full explanation of how to make pizza dough. Now let's learn how to make pizza, its ingredients and its cooking in the oven.

Preparation: How to make homemade pizza easy


  • Half can of tomato (or 4 large peeled tomatoes)
  • A pinch of oregano
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • Half medium-size paprika
  • Half medium-sized onion
  • 50 grams of cooked ham, sausage or pepperoni

Preparation step by step:

Grind the tomatoes in a food processor or in a blender. You can also crush them with a fork so that they are loose pieces. Add a pinch of salt and oregano to this sauce.

Grate the mozzarella cheese.

Chop all the other ingredients: the ham, the onion and the paprika in strips, and if you use pepperoni or sausages, in very thin slices, although surely they will have already sold it to you like this.

Armed with the pizza

Add the tomato sauce on your previously prepared pizza dough and list in its respective mold. Spread the sauce well with a spoon so that it is uniform on all sides.

Then put the grated mozzarella cheese and then the other ingredients.

Take the oven, previously preheated at 200 degrees centigrade.

Let cook for 10-15 minutes. Watch that it is not going to burn, as some ovens are treacherous.

The exact point of the pizza is: the melted and lightly browned cheese on top, and the pizza dough slightly brown underneath. It should be able to break easily without becoming a cookie.

Some people prefer their pizza more or less thick and more or less crispy below. This is what you will decide according to your taste and you can adapt it in later preparations.

Once your pizza is ready, cut it in its classic triangular shape and enjoy it as a family.


Reasons why your homemade pizza might not stay as you wanted it

Even if you already know how to make homemade pizza, it is worth following these tips.

  • The process of making the dough is important. You must use a fresh and good quality baker's yeast. Nothing to use one that was saved months ago. Neither baking powder, which is not the same. If the dough does not grow, you most likely used an old yeast.
  • Not all wheat flours are the same. Follow the steps I give you. And only alter them if you see that the dough is very watery or very compact when you are mixing it. And remember: any adjustment do it in minimum proportions, never in a single stroke.
  • When stretching the dough, be careful not to break it, if there are broken or very thin parts, you can stick it in the mold at the moment to withdraw it. Even if this happens it is not the end of the world, go ahead.
  • Remember to grease the mold well, everywhere, including the edges so it does not stick.
  • Use fresh tomatoes for the sauce. Nothing worse than an acid tomato sauce.
  • When you're in the oven try not to be distracted, you can easily spend time with the respective consequences.
  • When taking it off the mold do it carefully with a flexible palette. If it was stuck somewhere, use the same palette to "cut" it underneath until it yields. Do not worry, enjoy it just the same.

Practice makes perfect. Do not forget.

In this post I explained how to make homemade pizza with simple ingredients that I like.The possibilities are endless.

Did you like this recipe for how to make pizza? Share it with your friends on your social networks.

how-to-do pizza-easy-at-home

- How to make pizza: it is one of our favorite dishes to make among friends -

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