The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. The simple, successful safe recipe for Mini hazelnut croissant with a step-by-step guide in pictures.

Mini-hazel-Hörnchen with Frischk—se

Attention: Danger Of Addiction! These hazelnut croissants so delicious. I've NEVER experienced it, that I was not addressed to you. I passed on the coffee, as the Buffet part served to School - and neighborhood taken fixed. Always, always all over it.

• Directly to the recipe • recipe •print

If my son sees it, is no more. He would plug on a loved one not only the mouth but also all of the bags full of it.

Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -

To me the recipe for the hazelnut ran-squirrel a long time ago, and since then, it is for us indispensable.

The croissants are so nice and even, I owe to my mother-in-law to. They told me a Trick on how to squirrel gets into a uniform shape. Just a cake, no splitter in use. The will get You everywhere, sometimes even in the 1Euro Store. You press the cake no dividers on the dough, and after dancing the triangles, You draw with the knife ready. For my recipe You take the 16th division, in order for you to be so nice and small.

The prepared Dough results in a total of 32 hazelnut croissant. If You want simply the specified amount of doubling, tripling, etc. The dough needs at LEAST 2 HOURS of cold are. You can give it overnight in the fridge. I'm for example always. According to the Motto, what I have, I have.

Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -

You should let's say, so-in theory – remain, and their existence in the cookie jar continue, You can keep them in a good 14 days. I've seen it but never that they have made the way in the cookie jar at all.

There is also a savory version, here is the Link: Mini cream cheese croissants with cheese and ham.

Mini Haselnuss-Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -

Mini hazelnut croissant with cream cheese

5 from 4 reviews
Recipe print
TOTAL TIME40 minutes



  • 150 g flour - Type 405
  • 100 g of Butter - soft
  • 100 g double cream cheese
  • 60 g hazelnuts - crushed
  • 50 g of sugar, white
  • 50 g sugar, brown


  • The double cream cheese, the Butter and the flour to a smooth dough and a nice ball forms.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Then You Transact the dough-ball in cling film and put them in the fridge. For at least 2 hours or longer. Also be happy from one day to the other.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • After Cooling, knead the dough a little and halbierst him. One half You give the best to processing it directly back in the fridge.
  • Both types of sugar and the hazelnuts mixed You together.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Scatter the half of it on Your work surface. Now You put the dough portion and roll out with the rolling pin approximately 26 cm in diameter.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Here , You will apply the dough from time to time and return, so to speak, the sugar-nut mixture again and again in order to. So everything works nice and clean.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • In the connection form You the dough disc about as far as it is possible. To cut you with the knife fairly roughly.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Then You cut 16 slim "cake pieces" out and puts the cake no splitter. Press it firmly onto the dough disc, so that the pieces emerge.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Now You pull with the knife, the pieces to, so that You each individual process can.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • The "pie pieces" are with the wide side rolled up and easy to ends bent. Then You put the tip down on a lined with parchment paper sheet.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • With the second half of Dough are You doing it the same way. The 32 pieces fit wonderfully on a baking sheet.
    Mini Haselnuss Hörnchen mit Frischkäse -
  • Everything comes at 160 degrees convection on the middle rack for 12-15 minutes in the oven. Until they are baked Golden yellow. In my oven they only need 12 minutes.
  • After baking, you let them on a wire rack to cool completely. In a cookie jar you keep in theory ? 14 days. Practically they are eaten before, for sure. I wish you a good appetite!
    Mini-hazel-Hörnchen with Frischk—se


Have You tried the recipe once? What do You think of it? I am always happy to praise, friendly criticism, or Your tips and experiences. Let us via the below comments function in exchange to stay. That would make me very happy.
Mini-hazel-Hörnchen with Frischk—se
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