The Food Blog that makes it easy for you. This simple recipe for asparagus risotto from the oven. A Quick 45-Minutes Kitchen. Without stirring!

Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon

In the area around Verona, there are huge asparagus fields as far as the eye can see, because the Italians are just as crazy about asparagus as we German. North Rhine-Westphalia, by the way, one of the largest asparagus-growing area in Germany. So I live in the "asparagus-state", isn't that great?

• Directly to the recipe • recipe •print

Because asparagus is my favorite vegetable, and whether green or white, thick or thin, I love all Asparagus varieties. It would be in the asparagus time asparagus-mirrors-flags, I would think seriously of these to install ? . Well, whether the love would go so far, I don't know now exactly. Anyway, I love, like the Italians, Risotto, and that is why I have the classic Risotto-variations for the furnace is created As asparagus risotto with green asparagus and tarragon.

Ofenrisotto mit grünem Spargel -

For the Risotto, only the green asparagus is for me, however, is in question, because it tastes hearty and makes the Risotto even more tasty. The combination with the tarragon is very subtle and You taste will, the two are a perfect couple.

Ofenrisotto mit grünem Spargel -


My oven risotto with green asparagus and tarragon is a beautiful dish in Asparagus season to pamper Your guests. My asparagus risotto recipe is one of my beloved oven risotto-variants. So you have time to do other things! While the asparagus risotto schmurgelt in the oven and delightfully tasty in front of smells.

My recipe has the WDR home appetizers a Video created that You can find in the WDR Mediathek.


For me there is still more oven risotto variations, maybe one more for You:
The oven risotto with carrots and sun-dried tomatoes , or my oven risotto with lemon, thyme and Basil , and finally the oven risotto with chicken breast fillet and dried porcini mushrooms.


Spargelrisotto aus dem Ofen -

Asparagus risotto from the oven with green asparagus and tarragon

5 of 5 reviews
Recipe print
TOTAL TIME45 minutes
SERVINGS4 people


  • 250 g Risotto rice
  • 500 g green asparagus
  • 1 Liter of chicken broth - From stock cubes/Paste or self-made
  • 1 onion - medium in size
  • 10 g tarragon, fresh and finely chopped - Alternatively: 2g dry spice
  • 30 g Butter - to sauté
  • 60 g Parmesan cheese for the Risotto - freshly grated
  • 30 g Butter for the Risotto - to stir
  • Sea salt and black pepper from the mill


  • The oven on 200 degrees convection preheat
  • Now You take a heat-proof casserole or a frying pan at Hand. Therein 30g of Butter on medium heat slightly. The finely chopped onion and tarragon (fresh or dry spice) in it for 5 minutes until lightly coloured.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • Now the Risotto rice and for about 1/2 Minute with a steaming.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • Now You give the prepared chicken broth to add.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • Put the lid on for 15 minutes in the hot oven - second shelf from the bottom.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • In the meantime, the asparagus, wash, dry and cut off the woody Ends and, if that's what You want, in the lower third peel with a vegetable peeler. The Asparagus spears into approximately 3 cm long pieces cut.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • After 15 minutes, Your stew from the oven and open the lid. Be careful, it steams and is hot. The asparagus pieces , stir, put the lid on and the pan in the oven back.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • After a further 15 minutes is the cooking time to an end. The Risotto from the oven and again carefully remove the lid. The Parmesan and the remaining 30g of Butter for about 2-3 minutes, stirring, until everything is nice and melted and creamy, as well as with sea salt and pepper to taste.
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
  • I wish You a good appetite!
    Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon


Have You tried the recipe once? What do You think of it? I am always happy to praise, friendly criticism, or Your tips and experiences. Let us via the below comments function in exchange to stay. That would make me very happy.
Asparagus risotto from the oven with grünem asparagus and tarragon
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