The simple recipe for peppers sliced Turkey from the pan. The quick 35-Min pan with Turkey meat is the ideal family Celebration dinner.

Peppers sliced Turkey from the pan

A wise person once said, "if the parents die, to die to the past". And so it is for me. There are many open questions, reminders, cannot share the I stay, since I'm 16 years old, since my mom passed away. Superficial and profound questions I have, especially me personally, also affect our short time together. There are no answers.

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So I'm trying to answer from memory were some of the things. For example, what were your favorite scenes in the Sissi trilogy with Romy Schneider that we have seen so often together. I have distributed all three recently on my Sunday Ironing afternoons. I wondered if one of my favorite scenes were those of my mom? Namely, the scene, as Sissi in the Imperial Carriage, drawn by magnificent horses, through the Hungarian Puszta drove. Here, horses and cattle breeders lined wild with their animals the way geese flew through the area, and always the views of this stunningly beautiful Expanse. As well as I could understand at the time, Sissi, that she loved this Hungarian country. I can't imagine it otherwise, my mom has found this scene definitely also great.


Many years later, as a young woman, I have been in Hungary, but unfortunately, this film romance is not ? may experience . Funny! What I experienced there were incredibly friendly people, and incredibly delicious food. Delicious Salami and peppers that tasted like peppers. This is also the reason why, for me, for many years, the peppers are par excellence (varieties are independent) is MY Symbol for Hungary.


Wherein in the Balkan cuisine, the pepper plays a big role. Not for nothing is the famous Ajvar, the paste is delicious peppers is not indispensable, in the former Yugoslav countries. Also with my family from Croatia-in-law. Therefore, I have integrated Ajvar in my peppers sliced Turkey from the pan, in order to get an all-round fine pepper taste. Peppers sick and tired of virtually.

My peppers sliced Turkey from the pan, then, is my personal homage to the red peppers all pepper-Fans like me at their expense. With a lot of sauce, which I don't thickening, personally, because I cook as a side dish, rice and also recommend. The rice needs a lot of sauce and it is even of advantage, if the sauce is a thin liquid. But in the end, You're left with the course to decide whether you still thicken want.

Another tasty pepper dish is my stuffed peppers Mediterranean.

For Fans of fast the Meat I recommend my quick shredded Turkey with pineapple or my chicken sliced with Curry-cream sauce.

Peppers sliced Turkey from the pan

5 from 3 reviews
Recipe print
TOTAL TIME35 minutes
SERVINGS4 people


  • 600 g of Turkey cutlets - cut into strips or diced
  • 2 red peppers - cut into strips
  • 2 cloves of garlic - fine sliced
  • 1 onion, medium size - cut into strips
  • 200 ml poultry fond - for example, from the glass
  • 100 g Creme Fraiche
  • 50 g of Ajvar (spicy red pepper paste)
  • 1-2 TBSP thyme leaves, fresh
  • 3 TBSP olive oil
  • Salt and precious sweet peppers


  • First, are You washing the peppers, halbierst and entkernst you and schneides you in strip. The peel and cut the onion in strips, cut the garlic in slices.
  • The meat You cut in strips or cubes, depending on taste and spice it with salt , and precious and sweet (mild) paprika.
  • The Turkey meat You in a large frying pan with 1 TBSP hot olive oil over high heat until Golden brown , fry, take it out of the pan and put it to the side (e.g. just put it in a bowl and plate on top of it so that it is kept warm it is).
  • Then you give again 1-2 TABLESPOONS of olive oil in the pan and dünstest in it, at medium heat, the peppers, onion and garlic for about 5 minutes and stir from time to time. Against the end of the 5 minutes , the thyme leaves and the Ajvar with stirring.
  • Then deletes You with the Poultry stock down, stir the Creme Fraiche and let it all again for 3-5 minutes until fine.
  • The meat back in the pan to the vegetables and again everything to taste with salt, noble sweet Paprika and Ajvar flavour.
    NOTE: The sauce is quite thin. If you like, You can thicken it, of course.
  • This tastes like the rice is especially tasty because the sauce is so nice and absorbs. I wish You a good appetite.


Have You tried the recipe once? What do You think of it? I am always happy to praise, friendly criticism, or Your tips and experiences. Let us via the below comments function in exchange to stay. That would make me very happy.

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